Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Trip to Lifeway

Last night while Nancy and I were having our date night I stopped by "Lifeway" to buy Nancy a new book for her devotional time.  By the way, I would encourage husbands who are seeking to disciple your family to provide your wife with resources that you think would be helpful in her spiritual development.  Nancy is definitely capable of selecting her own material, but she trusts me as the spiritual leader with suggesting material that I think would be beneficial to her.  She told me she wanted to focus on prayer and so I went in for the purpose of finding a couple of good options on prayer.  (If your anticipating a great story or testimony right now, stop, because that's not what happened).  Rather, what happened is what almost always happens when I go into a Christian bookstore; I go in looking for one thing and come out with a bunch of things.  Does anyone else seem to have this problem?  I am a sucker for books!  I lack self control. I confess!  Is it okay to lack self control when it comes to buying Christian material for the feeding of your soul and your spiritual development?  (Not that I already have many books from the last visits to the Christian Bookstore or websites that I haven't read yet, that I had to have the last time I justified the investment to the expansion of my personal library.) 
So anyway, I did it, I broke down, I came out with more than I went in for and I just wanted to share my new purchases.  If you really love reading, new books are like new toys, you want to tell people about them and take them all out...so anyway. Here's what I got.
A.W. Tozer:  The Pursuit of Man
A.W. Tozer:  The Purpose of Man
Jerry Bridges:  "The Discipline of Grace"  *Remember that one Brian! Remember the one I bought you that time; that you so enjoyed.  (BTW, this will tell me if you are reading my blog posts...I expect a comment)
Francis Chan:  Forgotten God (Bela has already snatched...Nancy was a little bitter about this, but I told her I would by her another one.)
Craig Groeschel:  The Christian Atheist  *I am so excited about this book.  I hope I am not let down.  I love the title and the subject matter.  Caption:  Believeing in God but living as If He doesn't Exist.
Philip Yancey: Prayer (Does it really make a difference)
Billy Hybels:  Too busy not to pray
Jim Cymbala:  Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire  (I love this book on prayer!)
A new DVD on the story of Ruth (Family Night)
DVD's on the Case for Christ and the Case for Faith  (I want the kids to watch these with me)
Bringing your kids to Christ and 20 things I need to tell my wife (2 small books)

So there you have it, a typical trip to Lifeway for me. 

BTW...I did achieve my purpose, I did offer Nancy several books on prayer.  She has chosen to begin with "The Pursuit of Man" and "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire"

If you have read any of these books and would like to comment I would love to hear what you have to say. I will try to share with you my thoughts about these materials as I go thru them. 

Hope your finding time to give attendance to reading and to apply your heart to knowledge and instruction.  Prov. 23:23 "Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding."


His Worshipper said...

I'll probably never get a name drop on a blog about reading...aww. No, I don't got to Lifeway & leave with lots of books. I also drop the $$$. It's music, music, music & a Christian-T, a teaching tool for the Family & a book on clearance I never read. JUST KIDDING about that last part...I think. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire changed my life & I should probably read it again. Love ya Jason! So thankful for you.

Zeb said...

Haven't read any of those yet but I am under obligation to buy Pursuit of God the next time a make a book purchase. I am a binge book purchaser! It's impossible to buy a single book, and please don't let there be a sale! Unfortunately, of late, I rarely finish a book before picking up the next one, and buying the next 5. Could use a little discipline there!
I too am very thankful for you and all the leaders of FBCLB. I am so excited to grow in Christ and serve God alongside you all. SDG!

Chad & Amber said...

Can totally identify! Chad and I can do some damage at Lifeway! Have 4 on my night stand right now that are still waiting for me to move past chapter four, but thankful...I am actually moving consistently through "Death by Love" at the moment...although "The Discipline of Grace" has caught my eye...heading off to google it now!


Randall said...

"Fresh Wind / Fire", quickest book i ever read. Could not put down. Will read again maybe next. "Pursuit of God", Great book. Read some chapters 4 times before moving on. Not sure which Tozer book to read next time. Wish i started reading earlier. Just started 4 years ago. Praise God for the hunger He gave me for His word and Godly books to grow and renew my mind!!!!

Aaron T. said...

"Forgotten God" by Francis Chan is a great book. In the book it reminds us of our need for the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.