Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sermon Prep or worship

Yesterday was one of those days where everything was a struggle.
I woke up at 5:15, came over to the church, started the coffee, and got ready to start my day in God's Word, Prayer, and worshipping in His presence.
My first obstacle was my mind was running everywhere thinking about all the things that had to be done that day.  I tried to read a chapter in the book I am reading on Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength(Primal by Mark Batterson), but I really struggled with focus. 
My second obstacle was "Fatigue"!  Man, I was sooo sleepy yesterday morning.  This really affects your ability to comprehend as you read, as well as, to pray with fervency.  This was definitely one of those morning where I could fall asleep praying.  So, I tried singing, I tried walking (too cold), I tried it all, but to no avail.  Finally, I went home at 7:00 to get the kids up for school having not really gotten into God's word, or having "really" prayed or worshipped.  I did my best, but  I was starting to feel discouraged and overwhelmed; I really needed that window to count because Wed. is sermon prep day. 
So, I get back into the office, and if any of you can identify with this, once you get in the office, it's hard to have "Quiet Time".  E-mails, Phone calls, projects, etc...but I continue to strive to just spend time with God because I know that without Him I can do nothing.  If anything of eternal value is to happen tonight at church it will be thru prayer and not my ability to prepare a sermon and speak. 
Before I know it I've just concluded a 43 min. conversation with Randall over ministry issues and margin for sermon prep time is now slim to none; but I still just want to meet with God not prepare a sermon.  Do you ever have moments like this?  Where you really battle between do I go ahead and do what needs to be done or do I clear the schedule and just spend time with God?  I tend to have these fairly often.  I guess I'm just a pretty strong believer on everything flows out of the time you spend at His feet, the time you spend pursuing the Vine, and that when you keep this the priority God seems to add to you everything else.  (I do want to insert here that I am not legalistic about the blessings of God and I know that God blesses many times in spite of us, and that his blessings are of Grace.  But Grace also flows thru Divinely ordained means). 
So, I made my decision, I don't care about preparing the message, I will trust God for that, I NEED GOD!  So, I think about all the resources available to stir my heart with the word of God and I'm looking for something specific now.  Something you need to learn when choosing reading or listening material is that there are certain writers, speakers, and books of the Bible that focus on specific needs.  My need wasn't so much doctrinal, ecclesiological, instructional, as I needed something worshipful.  The Glory of God!  I remembered KP telling me about a message he had listened to by David Platt (whom I had never listened to) about "where the Glory dwells".  That sounded like just what I wanted to hear.  Over the next 59 minutes I listened to God's word and it changed my day.  It stirred my soul.  It was the greatest thing that happened to me the entire day!  Those thoughts changed my heart toward God, they overflowed into my worship at church last night, and they continue to renew my mind today.  Sermon Prep would not have done that; only sitting at His feet.  There is a great lesson to be learned in the difference between ministering for Him and ministering to Him.  My heart this morning is to share with you the lesson in my life of when to work for Him and when to worship before Him. 
May God bless you as you worship.

Here is the link to the message I listened to by David Platt.


Randall said...

WOW!! For me personally this could be one of the most helpful things you have posted yet. This kind of day is more frequent for me then i care to admit. Thanks!! Word

Unknown said...

Listened to another message by David Platt today, and it was called Desperate Prayer, and it go along with the same lines, with a more focus on prayer, but it destroyed me today, and i praise the Lord for it! just encourage anyone and everyone to listen to it

Zeb said...

Reminds me of where Martin Luther said one time that he had so much to do in the coming day that he must spend the first 3 hours in prayer. What?! "How could you possibly get anyting done?"

One day, by grace, I'd like to have faith the size of a mustard seed!