Saturday, February 20, 2010

How to pray when you're tired

Have any of you discovered the obstacle of fatigue in your prayer life?  For example, It's 10:00 p.m., the day is over, the kids are in bed, the house is clean, and you sense a need to spend 1/2 hour in communion with the Father before you go to bed.  However, the spirit is willing, but the flesh indeed is weak.  You are so tired all you want to do is go to sleep and even if you did try to pray your mind wanders or you drift off while you're praying.  This also applies to our morning prayers as well.  To those of you who do not get enough sleep at night, or you are not a morning person, drowsiness and fatigue, hinder your prayer life and bring a burden of guilt because of the deficiency in your prayer life.  I can identify with all of these feelings and more.  I want to share with you just a few simple things that I have learned to do to overcome the obstacle of fatigue in prayer.

1.  Walk and pray-  One of the best things to do when you know you are tired or distracted in your prayer time is to have a prayer walk.  You can either go outside or simply pace back in forth in your room, but remaining active will keep you alert and enable you to spend that much needed time in prayer.
2.  Sing and pray-  This is a really helpful tool for me.  Singing is helpful in several ways.
Singing renews our mind to the Glory of God and His Grace.  These truths excite our inner man and this joy of the Lord is Strength in which we need for prayer.
I believe when we sing and praise the Lord in faith that the armies of heaven are released and God's presence comes to us and we are renewed for the battle.  This is illustrated throughout the O.T. (II Chr. 20) and The N.T. (Acts 16)
Lastly, when we sing we create adrenaline and our bodies begin to break through the wall of fatigue and we produce the energy needed physically to pray fervently.
*Sometimes I have to take a prayer drive to do this.
3.  Write your prayers- Sometimes the only way for me to press thru distractions and fatigue is to pray verbally with passion and fervency.  However, my circumstances do not always allow me to do that.  You may be in an office environment, perhaps someone is asleep in the other room, whatever it may be.  Therefore, I encourage you to write your prayers.  You can be as fervent as you want and it will help you to stay focused as you pray.
4.  Prayer Partner-  There are times when you need to call someone to meet you for prayer because you simply will not pray unless you have this form of accountability.  Do not feel guilty for having to do this.  I can't explain our weakness but sometimes just having someone there praying with you is all you need to be devoted to prayer.  Eccl. 4:9-10 "Two are better than one, for it the one shall fall the other shall lift him up"

These are just some of the tools I have learned to battle the enemy of fatigue and the weakness of the flesh. 
If you find these suggestions helpful or if you have some methods that you have found useful in being devoted to prayer, please share those in the comment section. 
Pray On!

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