Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gospel centered insights on parenting and marriage

This is a link to a 2 hr. Q and A session with Paul Tripp, Author of "Age of Opportunity" and "Instruments in the Redeemers Hands"

I watched half of it last night and found his Gospel Centered approach to Parenting and Marriage very insightful and convicting.

I feel as though many parents and spouses today have never been taught how to parent and to be married from a grace-filled, Gospel centered, approach.

If you are looking to live out the gospel in every area of your life, especially parenting and marriage I encourage you to take time to watch this video.

There will be some biographical info. in the beginning that you may or may not want to hear. It is brief and then they will move on into the Q and A

1 comment:

Zeb said...

Watched the first half Sat. evening. Very good segements on discipline & spanking. Very helpful in putting things into perspective!

It is so amazing how the Gospel reaches into every niche and corner of life and brings a fullness! We really have been given all things necessary for life and Godliness!! Thank God for His teachers that are able to help us see!